Allison Busch
a complete bibliography and repository


  1. Busch, Allison. “‘Unhitching the Oxcart of Delhi’: a Mughal-Period Hindi Account of Political Insurgency.” JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28, no. 3 (2018): 415–39. | PDF

  2. ———. “The Poetics of History in Padmakar’s Himmatbahādurvirudāvalī,” 2018. | PDF

  3. ———. “The Poetry of History in Early Modern India.” Proceedings of the British Academy 207 (2017): 161–80. | PDF

  4. ———. “Portrait of a Raja in a Badshah’s World: Amrit Rai’s Biography of Man Singh (1585).” J. Econ. Soc. Hist. Orient Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55, no. 2-3 (2012): 287–328. | PDF

  5. ———. “Hidden in Plain View: Brajbhasha Poets at the Mughal Court.” Modern Asian Studies 44, no. 2 (2010): 267–309. | PDF

  6. ———. “Literary Responses to the Mughal Imperium: The Historical Poems of Keśavdās.” South Asia Research 25, no. 1 (2005): 31–54. | PDF

  7. ———. “The Anxiety of Innovation: The Practice of Literary Science in the Hindi/Riti Tradition.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 24, no. 2 (2004): 45–59. | PDF